Heaton St Barnabas' C of E (VA) School logo

Heaton St Barnabas’
C of E (VA) Primary School

Rossefield Road, Heaton, Bradford, West Yorkshire, BD9 4DA

Tel: 01274 545019 | Fax: 01274 553910 | Headteacher: Mrs D Smith

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Activities & Events

Heaton Gala

1st July 2024 · No comments yet

At the start of May the children in Year 4 all became evacuees for the day. We dressed as children from the 1940s complete with name tags, gas mask boxes and evacuee suitcases. It was a really fun day during which we made ‘Carrot cookies’ to help us see during the blackout; assembled and flew model spitfire planes; and became a land army by weeding the school garden.

Year 4 Evacuee Day

9th May 2024 · No comments yet

At the beginning of March the children and staff from Year 4 went to Towneley Park in Burnley to take part in a Ribble Rivers Day. We split into groups and some of us started with a riverside investigation. We got into the river and collected samples of all the minibeasts and invertebrates that live on the river bed. We used keys to sort them and magnifying glasses to take a closer look. Inside the Towneley Hall building we did a water table activity, considering the effect of farming and flood defences on erosion and the river flow. We had a great day and learnt a lot about rivers and everything that lives in them.

Year 4 Ribble Rivers Day

21st March 2024 · No comments yet

Our Books for Bugs Virtual Book Fair has begun! Gain access to hundreds of discounted books with free delivery to school

How to order

  • Visit booksforbugs.co.uk
  • Choose your books and add them to the basket- if you are not sure where to start why not checkout our new Quick Shop feature with the top 100 for each key stage.
  • At the checkout stage, add your billing details as normal and for shipping put 

Your Child’s Name 

Your Child’s Class  (Or ‘School Office‘ if it’s a gift you don’t want the child to see) 

Name of School: Heaton St. Barnabas’ Primary School

Address:  Rossefield Road, Bradford

And most importantly BD9 4DA the school’s postcode.

It is the postcode that will activate the free shipping option called ‘Virtual Book Fair only”.

  • You can then pay by debit/credit card or Paypal

If you are unsure here is a handy video guide  https://booksforbugs.co.uk/virtual-book-fair-info-for-parents/

You can order up until midnight on Sunday 3rd March, 2024. Orders will be dispatched to the school in time for World Book Day!

Any book priced £2.99 or over purchased through the Virtual Book Fair will also benefit school as we will receive a free book for every 5 purchased, every book counts!

Happy shopping!


Virtual Book Fair

9th February 2024 · No comments yet

Year 4 Linking Schools

At the end of November the children from both year 4 classes took part in an outdoor learning day at Nell Bank. We were there to meet the children from our linking school, Burley Oaks Primary School. It was the first time we had met the year 4 children from Burley Oaks but we had already exchanged messages and videos with them. We had a fantastic day in the sunshine and made lots of new friends.

Year 4 Linking Schools

14th December 2023 · No comments yet


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